“There is no mistaking the sound you hear when you open a bottle of Coca-Cola. With the Coca-Cola Remix Bottle we have given the classic opening ritual a new twist,” said Leonardo O’Grady, ASEAN IMC Director, The Coca-Cola Company. “By remixing everyday sounds we have invited consumers to reinvent the sound of happiness – whether it’s from a busy street, children playing or people involved in sport. Everyone, wherever they are in the world, can enjoy these sounds and the music made time and again.”
Opening a bottle of Coke has sounded the same for over 125 years. What if the classic 'psssttt!!!' was given a new twist? Together with a young DJ/inventor, Jun Fujiwara, we created the Coca-Cola Remix Bottle: a social music project connecting people through music co-creation. Sounds go into the bottle, and are instantly remixed into original audio tracks.
Hundreds of sounds across Tokyo were bottled and turned into shareable video and audio mixes. The digital intervention on the classic bottle aimed to take everyone by surprise.on-ground and on a larger scale online.refreshing the way happiness is shared.